Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summer Assignment

AP English Language and Composition 
Summer Assignment
Dear Future AP English Language Students,                                                  

Welcome! I'm glad you’ve decided to take AP English next year, and I look forward to meeting each of you in August.
AP English Language is a reading and writing-intensive class, and having a strong academic vocabulary base will be
an advantage to you throughout the year. In order to help prepare you for the rigor of the reading that you will see
throughout the year, the summer assignment is designed to help you reinforce and/or enhance your vocabulary
Attached you will find 5 lists: AP English Language Academic Vocabulary, Greek Roots, Latin Roots, Prefixes,
and Suffixes. The first list is the beginning of what will eventually be a long list of words and terms that are commonly
used in the class and on the AP test. This is essentially your starter list. The next 4 lists are designed to help you learn
common roots and affixes that will allow you to decipher words you don’t know. These will provide a scaffold for much
of the other vocabulary you will encounter throughout the year. 
It is up to you to learn all of the content on the 5 lists in a way that is effective for you. I highly recommend making
flashcards or doing a quizlet or something similar. It is likely that you already know some of the words. However, many
may be unfamiliar or may have definitions different from your familiarity. You will be tested on your knowledge of the
content of all 5 lists when you get back. The test will be in your first class of the first full week of school. You will be
asked to define the words as well as apply your knowledge of the words to new contexts. In order to do well on this
test, you will need to have a complete and thorough understanding of the words on the 5 lists. 
If you have any questions about the class or the summer assignment, please do not hesitate to email me:

Good luck and enjoy your summer! 


Mrs. Serban

Please click on ALL of the following links for the complete summer assignment:
-AP Intro Letter
-Summer Assignment Vocabulary
-Latin Roots
-Greek Roots