Friday, January 11, 2019

Argument and MC

Today I will: 
-Read an Argument prompt and brainstorm claims and evidence as a class.
-Take an AP Multiple Choice exam for a grade.

Please take out:
-A writing utensil
-Multiple Choice Test Practice

-Go over Argument Prompt
-MC Answers
-MC Test - Practice the Strategies that Work!
*No Peeking
*Simplifying Complicated Sentences
*Eliminating Wrong Answers

You have two homework assignments due on Tuesday: 1. Argument Prompt Paragraph: Value or function of polite speech -Write a thesis (in anticipation of writing a whole essay, indicate what all the body paragraphs would be about) -Write ONE body paragraph. Include: * a topic sentence - include a subclaim, which is a reason your main claim is true * specific examples - talk about how the examples are working by addressing the prompt, which asks about the "value or function" of polite speech. -Turn it in - before class 2. Complete the Reflections and Goal Setting Assignment (posted in Google Classroom).