Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Crucible, Act II

Today I will:
-Take a multiple choice quiz on Act 1 of "The Crucible"
-Determine characters' purpose and motivation in The Crucible by analyzing what the character is doing and why. 
-Review the strengths and growth areas for AP timed writings.
*Elizabeth and John Proctor

Please take out:
-The Crucible
-Crucible Notes

-3A: Act 1 Quiz
-Review Character Purpose and Motivation
-Return essays and discuss
-Read Act II

Essay Reflection:
-Read the prompt again
-Read your essay
-Highlight what applies to you on "Notes on Writing"
-Add (on the back) other comments I made specifically to you
Read the AP Rubric - notice what essays that score higher than you do
(What do you need to improve?)