Friday, December 14, 2018

MC Boot Camp

Today I will: 
-Read an AP Language multiple choice passage and answer the questions based on sentence stems. 

Please take out:
-A writing utensil

-Return Argument Essays
-MC Practice (two more passages)
-OPTION: Rhetorical Analysis replacement essay

You were given three more passages:
-For one passage, answer the questions using the sentence-stems, then answer the MC questions.
-For another passage, answer the MC questions with the option of using the sentence stems first.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Multiple Choice Boot Camp

Today I will: 
-Read an AP Language multiple choice passage and answer the questions based on sentence stems. 

Please take out:
-A writing utensil

-Multiple Choice intro
-MC Practice (one passage)

-Apply in-class sentence-stem answers to the MC test for one passage

Monday, December 10, 2018

Socratic Seminar

Today I will: 
-Apply argumentative techniques such as claim, sub-claim, concession and counter-argument to an AP Prompt.

Please take out:
-Current Events assignment
(did you turn it in to

-Socratic Seminar


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Socratic Seminar


Today I will: 
-Apply argumentative techniques such as claim, sub-claim, concession and counter-argument to an from an AP Prompt.

Please take out:
-National Event write-up and works cited

-Check National event
-3B: Socratic Seminar
-3B: Work on current event assignment
-3A: Argument Timed Writing
-3A: Socratic Seminar

-Work on Current Events Assignment - due (3B)12/10 or (3A)12/11
*Reminder - look at the current events assignment on classroom. It has been revised to include Satire as extra credit.

Friday, November 30, 2018

On to argument

Today I will: 
-Apply argumentative techniques such as claim, sub-claim, concession and counter-argument to an from an AP Prompt.

Please take out:
-Debate notes & paragraph

-Collect notes & paragraph
-Return RA Essays, sample
-Argument Essay Read-around, sample essay, organization
-NPR article, research resources on Google Classroom
-Work on current event assignment

-Work on Current Events Assignment - National due 12/6 or 12/7
-Current Events Assignment due 12/10 or 12/11

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Today I will: 
-Apply argumentative techniques such as claim, sub-claim, concession and counter-argument to debate a topic from an AP Prompt.

Please take out:
-Debate preparation

-3B: Finish Debates
-Debate debrief
-3A: Intro current event assignment & begin researching

-Write a paragraph for prompt you didn’t debate
-Work on Current Events Assignment - National due 12/6 or 12/7
-Current Events Assignment due 12/10 or 12/11

Monday, November 26, 2018


Today I will: 
-Apply argumentative techniques such as claim, sub-claim, concession and counter-argument to debate a topic from an AP Prompt.

Please take out:
-Debate preparation
-Thanksgiving essay 

-Debate Prep
3B-Current Events Assignment

3B-Read through Current Events Assignment and decide on your three topics/people
3B-Prep for 2nd half of Debates

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Debate prep


Today I will: 
-Brainstorm effective evidence for an AP prompt
-Prepare with my debate team for an in-class debate.

Please take out:
-a writing utensil
-argument notes

-Thanksgiving week assignment
-Finish "Scategories"
-Intro Debate assignment
-Debate Prep

-Use the attached Oscar Wilde prompt to write an argument essay. Time yourself (45 minutes). Use lined paper, 1 inch margins and write on one side. We will share and peer evaluate when you return from break. Also, finish whatever debate prep is necessary.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Today I will: 
-Brainstorm effective evidence for an AP prompt
-Identify claim, subclaims, concessions, and counterarguments in "Driving to the Funeral"

Please take out:

-"Driving to the Funeral" analysis
-Argument "Scategories"


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Intro to Argument


Today I will: 
-Complete a Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writing

Please take out:

-Intro to Argument
-"Driving to the Funeral"
-Rhetorical Analysis Quiz
-Turn in RA Packet

-Finish analysis of "Driving to the Funeral"
-Finish taking notes from the Intro to Argument on Classroom

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

RA Timed Writing

Today I will: 
-Complete a Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writing

Please take out:

-Organization of Douglass and Stewart
-TW Reminders
-Timed Writing

-Study for Rhetorical Analysis Quiz - 20 MC Questions on Thoreau, Douglass, and Stewart 
-I will be collecting all work for Thoreau, Douglass, and Stewart next class meeting

Friday, November 2, 2018

Maria Stewart

Today I will: 
-Finish Rhetorical Analysis of Narrative of the Life of an American Slave

Please take out:

-Finish RA F. Douglass
-Return essays/rubrics and review
-Maria Stewart - analysis and organization of rhetorical analysis

-Complete Rhetorical Analysis for Maria Stewart (directions are on classroom).
-Write an outline that thesis, topic sentences and evidence for F. Douglass and Stewart.
-Choose one prompt (Douglass or Stewart) and write a body paragraph for that essay.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Frederick Douglass

Today I will: 
-Finish rhetorical analysis of Thoreau's Civil Disobedience
-Begin Rhetorical Analysis of Narrative of the Life of an American Slave

Please take out:

-Finish Civil Disobedience "Doing"
-Begin Rhetorical Analysis of Narrative of the Life on an American Slave

-Read and annotate the 1997 AP Prompt for 10 minutes (to see what you notice on your own)
-Then, answer 1-6 of the Rhetorical Analysis of the prompt on your own piece of paper. (This will give you an idea of what you can notice as you become better at Rhetorical Analysis).

Monday, October 29, 2018

Civil Disobedience

Today I will: 
-Complete rhetorical analysis of Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience"
-Finish analyzing my multiple choice test

Please take out:
-Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience"

-Complete "Saying" for Civil Disobedience
-Begin the "Doing" portion of Civil Disobedience

-Finish Civil Disobedience "Doing" #1-6

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thoreau and Civil Disobedience

Today I will: 
- Begin rhetorical analysis of Thoreau's Civil Disobedience
-Finish analyzing my multiple choice test

Please take out:
-a piece of paper

-Background of Thoreau (Classroom)
-School of Life - Thoreau
-Civil Disobedience

-Finish Civil Disobedience "Saying" (through the paragraph I assigned)

Monday, October 22, 2018

Revisiting Multiple Choice

Today I will: 
- Take the 2nd half of the MC exam from 2012 and complete an analysis of question types.

Please take out:
-The Crucible rhetorical analysis responses

-Collect Crucible film analysis
-Finish 2012 MC Test

-MC Analysis - What do you notice about the passages? What do you notice about the types of questions you are struggling with? What seems to be working for you? What doesn’t?


Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Crucible continued

Today I will: 
- Learn about the college application process.
- Watch The Crucible

Please take out:
-nothing is needed today

-Visit from Ms. Roberts about the college application process
-Continue watching The Crucible


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Crucible

Today I will: 
- Complete rhetorical analysis comparing the play and the movie version of The Crucible.

Please take out:

-Watch The Crucible
-Timed Writing & Quiz Make-ups


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Timed Writing

Today I will: 
- Complete a partner Timed Writing on The Crucible

Please take out:

-Make sure RRJ's are turned in to
-The Crucible Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writing

-None! Enjoy your 3 day weekend

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wrapping up The Crucible

Today I will: 
-Take a multiple choice and short answer quiz on Acts II and III in The Crucible.
-Read Act IV and identify rhetoric in "The Crucible"

Please take out:
-The Crucible

-Act II & III Quiz 
-Finish Act IV
-TW Prep

-Continue to work on RRJ's
Speaker, Audience, Content, and Content - due Thursday (3A), Friday (3B)
-Review notes in preparation for TW on Thursday (3A) & Friday (3B)

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Crucible, Act IV

*John and Elizabeth Proctor
Today I will: 
-Take a multiple choice and short answer quiz on Acts II and III in The Crucible.
-Read Act IV and identify rhetoric in "The Crucible"

Please take out:
-HW: The Crucible Rhetorical Analysis

-Act II & III Quiz 
-Read Act IV
-TW Prep

-Continue to work on RRJ's
Speaker, Audience, Content, and Content - due Thursday (3A), Friday (3B)
-Review notes in preparation for TW on Thursday (3A) & Friday (3B)

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Why do you come, yellow bird?

Today I will: 
-Read Act III and identify logical fallacies and complete rhetorical analysis for "The Crucible"

Please take out:
-The Crucible
-Crucible Notes

-Finish reading Act 3 (logical fallacies)
-Rhetorical Analysis 
-Begin reading Act IV

-Continue to work on RRJ's
Speaker, Audience, Content, and Content
-Crucible Act III Rhetorical Analysis

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Crucible

Today I will: 
-Review the strengths and growth areas for AP timed writings.

Please take out:
-The Crucible
-Crucible Notes

-3A: Finish Reading Act II
-Sample Essays & finish essay reflection
-Begin reading Act 3 (logical fallacies)

-Continue to work on RRJ's
Speaker, Audience, Content, and Content

Thursday, September 27, 2018

It's just a poppet!

Today I will: 
-Review the strengths and growth areas for AP timed writings.

Please take out:
-The Crucible
-Crucible Notes

-Finish Essay Reflection
-Finish Reading  Act II
-Watch Acts 1 & 2

-Take notes on Logical Fallacies
-Begin working on RRJs for Introduction, Act 1 & Act 2
Speak, Audience, Context and Content

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Crucible, Act II

Today I will:
-Take a multiple choice quiz on Act 1 of "The Crucible"
-Determine characters' purpose and motivation in The Crucible by analyzing what the character is doing and why. 
-Review the strengths and growth areas for AP timed writings.
*Elizabeth and John Proctor

Please take out:
-The Crucible
-Crucible Notes

-3A: Act 1 Quiz
-Review Character Purpose and Motivation
-Return essays and discuss
-Read Act II

Essay Reflection:
-Read the prompt again
-Read your essay
-Highlight what applies to you on "Notes on Writing"
-Add (on the back) other comments I made specifically to you
Read the AP Rubric - notice what essays that score higher than you do
(What do you need to improve?)

Friday, September 21, 2018

The Crucible, Acts 1 and 2

Today I will:
-Take a multiple choice quiz on Act 1 of "The Crucible"
-Determine characters' purpose and motivation in The Crucible by analyzing what the character is doing and why. 

Please take out:
-The Crucible
-Crucible Notes

-Read Act 1 & Review
-Character Purpose and Motivation
-Act 1 Quiz

Character Purpose and Motivation

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Crucible, Character Conflicts

Today I will:
-Apply new rhetorical analysis devices and apply them to the Jonathon Edwards' sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".
-Read Act 1 of "The Crucible" and take notes on background information, conflicts between characters, and make a timeline of events

Please take out:
-Crucible Notes

-Continue Reading Act 1

Prepare for quiz. Study:
-your notes on The Crucible
-RRJ quotes - speaker, audience, context, significance (in that moment)
-Puritanism notes
-Notes on "Sinners...God"

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Crucible, Act 1

Today I will:
-Apply new rhetorical analysis devices and apply them to the Jonathon Edwards' sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".
-Read Act 1 of "The Crucible"
-Read Act 1 of "The Crucible" and take notes on background information, conflicts between characters, and make a timeline of events.

Please take out:
-"Sinners" HW
-paper (title it "Crucible Notes")
-writing utensil
-highlighters (yellow and another color)

-Review "Sinners...God"
-Introduce RRJ
-Begin Reading "The Crucible", Act 1

Take a look at quotes on the Reading Response Journal and check for your understanding.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Crucible

Today I will:
-Discuss three debatable statements in a four-corner discussion.
-Learn new rhetorical analysis devices and apply them to the Jonathon Edwards' sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".

Please take out:
-"Sinners" HW
-Puritanism notes

- Discuss "Sinners... God"
-Read/annotate introduction
-Assign crucible roles
-Begin Reading "The Crucible", Act 1


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Today I will:
-Discuss three debatable statements in a four-corner discussion.
-Learn new rhetorical analysis devices and apply them to the Jonathon Edwards' sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".

Please take out:
-Learning Stations & 4 Corner paragraphs
-writing utensil

-4-Corner Discussion
-"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
-Assign Crucible Roles

Finish Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
If it would help you to listen to the sermon, here is a link. (Cue to 19:58) It's 7 minutes long.